The NABWMT fights for people at the margins, and should do more to help women struggling after the overturning of Roe.
And so, we find that Republicans have moved slowly and have struggled to speak with a unified voice on what comes next. We know what comes next, states should move aggressively to protect women.
In South Carolina and West Virginia have weighed but taken no final action on proposed bans. In Iowa, Florida, Nebraska and other conservative states have so far not taken legislative action.
In the last few weeks, some Republican politicians have recalibrated their messaging on the issue.
Kansas tried it, and the voters resoundingly rejected it. Why is that? Because up until now it has just been a theory. It was easy for people to say they were pro-life. It was easy to see things so black and white.
But now, that theory has become reality, and the consequences of the views are more real. This is a wake-up call for the more moderate contingent of Republican legislators.
Recently, an Indiana bill — which bans abortion from conception except in some cases of rape, incest, fatal fetal abnormality or when the pregnant woman faces risk of death or certain severe health risks — was signed into law. within minutes of its final passage late Friday night by Gov. Eric Holcomb, a Republican who had encouraged legislators to consider new abortion limits during a special session that he called.
Beyond those limited exceptions, the new law will end legal abortion in Indiana next month. Remember Newton’s “Action and Reaction are equal and opposite. The Supreme Court has become extreme and history shows reasonable folks don’t like that.
Judging by the results in Kansas Independents, Democrats and Republicans demonstrated what is most important to them, and that is their personal freedoms and liberty.
Let it be so, and we should fight for that. Be sure to subscribe, like and comment on our videos and blogs, thanks.