Welcome to the revised podcast of the National Association of Black and White Men Together.

This is Ken Scott Baron and after an hiatus of some months, this podcast is being upgraded to reflect the urgency of our times.

We are in a very difficult and threatening times and events are undermining and attacking our values in our country and lives.

We have an administration that has removed or rolled back historic gains in laws protecting the communities of color, queer people and hurting many at the margins.

Never before have our right to vote been so overtly and forcibly suppressed and gerrymandered.

As we approach the 2020 General Election the NA Board through its media committee plan to provide up to date information on how things are changing. We are bound by our statement of purpose to stop the inequalities in our world, restricted only by our 501(c)3 non profit status. Therefore, we will not endorse particular candidates.

But that will not strip us of education and outreach.

Our early results are shown on special page on our website, given in our show notes. As a sidebar, we will still provide podcasts and blogs on other themes, but focus on current events and the Democratic and Republican candidates.

it seems that the field will narrow as funding for some dwindfole, and interest may want for others.

We will focus on issues brought up in surveys of our members and allies at our Conventions and Facebook page, namiely:

  • Health Care
  • Guns
  • Immigration
  • The Economy

We are looking forward to providing this service, Thanks for listening.

Ken Scott Baron


Our Voter Guide


Our Main Site:
